04 January 2007

Individual Country

Everyone has their own specific country to research and I was wondering, what are we supposed to do with it?

1 comment:

Brian Tang said...

If you are refering to the country presentations (12/04/06 meeting) I simply wanted you to find specific facts about the country:

*Historical fact
*Biggest strength
*Biggest weakness
*Social structure

Please e-mail me this information or post it on the blog.
The idea is to split up the work (work smarter not harder).
This way we can accumulate information on a lot of different countries and topics without having to do an enormous amount of research.

If you were refering to the region assignments, I wanted everyone to find out a little information on their region with a specific focus on current events in that region.

One of the foremost goals the other officers and I have laid out for the club is to help other students get interested in current world events in order to advance global understanding. Knowing what is going on in the world is a key component to understanding other people. This may seem idealistic, but it is as utilitarian as anything ever was; we are doomed if we think we can survive in this world without considering the conditions of others.